
How to Check if an Object is a Map or a Set in JavaScript

Welcome, fellow coders! In this blog, we’ll see how to check if an Object is a Map or a Set in JS. Shall we? Checking for a Map Method 1: Checking for a Map The instanceof operator checks if an object is an instance of a particular constructor function. In the case of Maps, it

How to get the first N characters of a String in JavaScript

Welcome, fellow coders! In this blog, we’ll see how to extract the first N characters from a string. Whether you’re a beginner or just looking for a quick refresher, we’ve got you covered. Method 1: String.slice() The String.slice() method is your first tool in the kit. Here’s how you can use it: Explanation: Method 2:

Access the First Property of an Object in JavaScript

In this blog, lets see several ways in which you can get the first property of an Object in Javascript: ⚠ Caution: Order not guaranteed ⚠ In JavaScript, object properties are not guaranteed to have a specific order. The ECMAScript specification does not define a specific order for object properties, and the iteration order can

Getting the Max/Min Dates in an Array of Objects with JavaScript

Buckle up Javascript Chrononauts 🚀⏲, in this blogpost we will explore how to find maximum and minimum dates in an array of Javascript objects. The Date Object The Date object in JavaScript encapsulates date and time functionality. Key methods: Important Constructors: Current Date and Time: Specifying a Date String: Using Year, Month, and Day: Using

Get the Sum of an Array of Numbers in JavaScript

So you need to calculate the sum of an array of numbers in Javascript. So, lets see how its done: Using a For…of Loop Let’s start with a simple and elegant solution using a for…of loop. This loop allows you to iterate through each element of the array, making it a beginner-friendly approach. Here, we

Get the Sum of all Values in a Map using JavaScript

When working with a Map in JavaScript, you might need to calculate the sum of all values. In this guide, lets explore the various ways to do so: Using a For…of Loop One straightforward way to calculate the sum of Map values is by using a for…of loop. This approach iterates through each entry in

Checking if a Map or Set is Empty in JavaScript

When working with JavaScript’s Map and Set objects, it’s common to need to check if they are empty. Lets explore different ways to achieve this in JS. Using the Size Property Both Map and Set objects have a size property, which represents the number of elements in the collection. Checking if this property is equal

Converting a Map to an Array of Objects in JavaScript

While working with Maps in JavaScript, you might need to convert it into an array of objects. Lets several approaches to do this: Using Array.from() with a Map Function One elegant method involves using Array.from() along with a map function. This allows you to iterate over the Map and transform its entries into a new

Adding Event Listener to All Elements with Class in JavaScript

Adding event listeners to elements with a specific class is a common task in web development, allowing you to respond to user interactions with elements that share a common identifier. In this guide, we’ll explore different methods to achieve this using JavaScript. Setting the stage: Sample HTML and JS Code Let’s start with a simple

How to Convert an Array to a Set in JavaScript

When working with arrays in JavaScript, you might find yourself needing to eliminate duplicate values or use the unique elements property of a Set. In this guide, we’ll explore how to convert an array to a Set, handle arrays of objects, and even add new values to an existing Set. Convert an Array to Set

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